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Szopka Pass Pieniny

Szopka Pass Pieniny

Po lewej trawa, na wprost przy drewnianym ogrodzeniu i ławce, żółta tablica informacyjna pod daszkiem z gontu, z drogowskazami wskazującymi trzy kierunki szlaków. Obok ogrodzenia i tablicy droga, która rozgałęzia się w dwa kierunki, po prawo drewniane dwie ławki pod lasem. Na wprost las i pogodne niebo,

34-443 Sromowce Niżne Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

Located at an altitude of 779 metres above sea level, the pass separates the Trzy Korony Massif from Mt Czoło and the Czorsztyńskie Pieniny. It is also sometimes referred to as the ' Chwała Bogu' (Glory to God) Pass (a phrase of relief after the hardships of the hike). The Szopka Pass is the heart of the Pieniny, full of mysteries and unforgettable views.

A local trade route from Sromowce Niżne to Krościenko led through the Szopka Pass from the 14th century, along which, in 1906, the Polish Tatra Society marked a tourist trail that today still bears the yellow markings that the Society used in 1906. On the pass, two clearings offer a breathtaking view of the Spis foothills, the Tatras and the Gorce Mountains. It is interesting to note that the now rare meadow gladiolus is in bloom in the glade. Benches and information boards are near the intersections of trails, and there is also a natural spring.

Tourists usually stop for a rest at the Szopka Pass. It is undoubtedly a place in the Pieniny Mountains that is worth seeing, as it provides an unforgettable experience. 

The trails diverge to Trzy Korony, Czorsztyn, Krościenko and Sromowce Niżne. The trails are marked in yellow and blue.