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Punkt Informacji Turystycznej Kęty

Tourist Information Point Kęty

Lada recepcyjna w punkcie informacji turystycznej w Kętach za którą siedzi pracownik punktu

Rynek 13, 32-650 Kęty Tourist region: Oświęcim i okolice

tel. +48 334322583
tel. +48 334322584
Small, charming and very hospitable, Kętywas founded in 1277 and is one of the oldest towns in Małopolska. It is in the Soła River Valley in the Oświęcim Basinat the foot of the Beskid Mały.

It was here that the eminent theologian and patron saint of Poland, Saint John Kanty (1390—1473)was born. His relics are kept in the church that according to tradition sits where the saint's family home once stood. In the tenements surrounding the Market Square, among others, were born August Freund, an eminent chemist, discoverer of benzene and inventor of the method for obtaining cyclopropane used in anaesthesiology, and Antoni Hawełka, a famous Kraków merchant and restaurateur.

In the church of Saints Margaretta and Catherine, you can see a 15th-century painting of Our Lady of Consolation, one of the oldest paintings in Poland.  The  Wool Products Factory of Franciszek and Edward Zajączek and Kazimierz Lankosz, known and valued in Poland and beyond, operated here until the 1990s under the name of 'Zakład Przemysłu Wełnianego "Kentex"’. Józef Piłsudski was also stationed in Kęty in early 1915 with his First Legion Brigade.

The Tourist Information Point (PIT) in Kęty can be found without any difficulty, as it is located on the Market Square. It offers assistance to all those tourists who are looking for specific as well as general, information. It also provides free guides, folders, leaflets, maps and plans in several languages Its employees are a storehouse of knowledge not only about Kęty but also about surrounding areas near and far. Of course, they also provide assistance in finding accommodation and good restaurants.

The Tourist Information Point in Kęty is run by the Kęty Municipality Office. It also belongs to the Małopolska Tourist Information System.

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