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Lipowiec Nature Reserve

Lipowiec Nature Reserve

Widok z lotu ptaka na ruiny zamku wśród wysokich drzew, z wysoką okrągłą wieżą, z trzykondygnacyjnymi murami z małymi oknami, bez dachu, oraz częściowo widocznymi murami obronnymi oraz piękną panoramą na okolice pojedyncze budynki.

Wygiełzów Tourist region: Oświęcim i okolice

The beautiful castle dominating the landscape of the green hill that is part of the Tenczyński Ridge and the mysterious forest that you must traverse to reach the top are the fairytale scenery of the Lipowiec Nature Reserve. This place is ideal for a walk not only for nature lovers but also for those interested in history, especially medieval history. The mysterious Black Forest, a medieval castle, and legends all wait for visitors to the reserve.

The black forest that grows on the slopes of the castle hill is mainly beech, with the oldest specimens being as old as 120 to 160 years. While wandering along the paths, other tree species can also be observed, the most recognisable of which are pines, hornbeams, and black elder. The forest undergrowth, meanwhile, hides protected mosses and valuable plant species included in the Red Book of Plants, which documents endangered plant species. Examples include the small-leaved helleborine as well as the red, multifloral and sword-leafed ones, common ivy, martagon lily, the mountain speedwell and Cardamine glanduligera. More than 30 species of birds have also been observed in the reserve, the most valuable of which are the black woodpecker and the bluebird. The reserve was established at the end of 1959 to protect the natural Carpathian beech belt and the beauty and uniqueness of the landscape, in which the ruins of Lipowiec Castle occupy an important place. Kestrels and swifts nest in the castle ruins, where many forest birds have found a home. The Gothic Bishop's Lipowiec Castle is, above all, a witness to medieval history, having retained its original shape and Gothic character.