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Szczucin, Zalipie, Brzesko and Okocim

Szczucin, Zalipie, Brzesko and Okocim

Ściana chałupy, bielona i malowana w kwiaty, niebieskie okna, widoczne zza gałęzi krzaków z zielonymi liśćmi.
Estimated travel time: 08:00
Scale of difficulty: For beginners
Length of trail: 74
Szczucin Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice
Szczucin, Zalipie, Brzesko and Okocim
Szczucin, Zalipie, Brzesko and Okocim
1) Museum of Road Building - a shape of the main building with two towers and an arched bay resembles a bridge. The museum houses all memoirs related to road construction. There are two exhibitions to visit: an external one with machines and equipment used by road builders in the past and an internal one, which displays exhibits related to construction and maintenance of roads and bridges, a method of construction work in form of scenes with life-size figures, as well as roads and bridges in art. There is also an open-air museum of road machines, built in a form of a 1-kilometre-long spiral alley. The alley is made of cobblestones; it has built-in original road elements (curbs, culverts, sewage grates). The building is connected with the open-air museum with a 51-metre-long bridge.
Sightseeing time: 2 hours
By car you go to the village of Zalipie (23 km).

2) Zalipie - the village is located on the Wooden Architecture Trail in Lesser Poland; it is a living open-air museum of unusual traditions - a village of painters, whose advertising slogan is “Cottages like flowers”. The village is famous for cottages with beautifully painted floral patterns. Floral motifs can also be found on the fire house, the parish house, the community centre, the common room, wells, fences and other elements of small architecture. There are about 40 painted houses in Zalipie.

3) Felicja Curyłowa’s homestead - after World War II, thanks to a talented painter, Felicja Curyłowa, Zalipie became the centre of folk painting. She promoted Zalipie at home and abroad, she also chose cottages for contests. After her death, Felicja’s house and homestead were purchased by Cepelia, which in 1978 transferred the buildings to the Regional Museum in Tarnów. The homestead includes Felicja's house, a stable, a barn and a painted cottage with a threshing floor.

4) Painters’ House - a community centre with an exhibition of works of artists from Zalipie, as well as a photographic exhibition of a contest of painted cottages that is held every year.
Visitors are directed to F. Curyłowa's homestead and to the Painters’ House by information boards.
Time of sightseeing Zalipie: 2 hours.
From Zalipie you go to Brzesko (56 km).

5) Brzesko and Okocim (currently the town of Okocim administratively belongs to Brzesko): Brzesko is a historical town famous for its Okocim Brewery.
At the market square you can see eclectic tenement houses, a church and a town hall.

6) Church of St. James the Apostle - a neo-Gothic shape with a beautiful historic part from the side of the Market Square, dating back to the mid-15th century.

7) Town Hall - an eclectic building with a 4-storey tower was erected in 1909-1910. Its elevation is decorated with a mosaic, depicting the coat of arms of the city, while in the window of the staircase there is Art Nouveau floral stained glass.

Starting from the market and walking towards the south, you enter Adama Mickiewicza Street. After 700 meters, you turn left into Browarna street and reach the Okocim Brewery (700 m).

8) Okocim Brewery can be visited by prior arrangement. It is an interesting industrial monument perfectly integrated into the landscape. The brewery was founded by a brewer Jan Evangelista Goetz; a small brewery became one of the largest brewing plants in Austria-Hungary and later in the entire Europe. At the square in front of Brewery, there is a monument of Jan Albin Goetz (son of the Brewery founder) made by Antoni Madeyski. After visiting the Brewery, you enter Barona Jana Goetza Street, and after 100 m you reach the Goetz Palace.

9) The Goetz Palace - a renovated palace of the industrialist, Jan II Albin Goetz-Okocimski from 1898-1900 in the Neo-baroque and Neo-Rococo styles Currently, it houses a hotel.
Sightseeing time: 2.5 hours.
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