
Chrzanów położony w zachodniej części Małopolski należy do najciekawszych miast związanych z kulturą judaistyczną na terenie województwa. Chrześcijanie i ludność żydowska żyła wspólnie w Chrzanowie przez 400 lat.
Chrzanówlocated in the western part of Małopolska is one of the most interesting townsrelated to the Judaic culture in the region. The Christians and the Jewishpopulation have lived together in Chrzanów for 400 years. The first Jews beganto settle in Chrzanów in the 16th or late 17th centuryand since the end of the 18th century there has been already a largeJewish community here, together with the Rabbinical court, the Jewish cemeterywas founded and the construction of the first synagogue in Chrzanów was started.The statute of the Jewish community in Chrzanów was approved on 1 August 1901.It stated that 60 villages belonged to the community. The Jews in Chrzanów dealtmainly with trade and crafts. During the German occupation in 1940 the ghettowas created in Chrzanów. The decision on its liquidation was made in 1943 andthe Jews were transported to the nearby Auschwitz concentration camp. Memorabiliaof the Jews in Chrzanów are: one of the largest Jewish cemeteries with 1,500macebas, ritual slaughterhouse (at ul. 3 Maja), synagogue, former seat of thePsalmist Association Khevre Tillem (at ul. Garncarska) and a stone commemoratingthe execution of 6 Jews by the Nazis for illegal breadbaking (at ul. Grunwaldzka).

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