Nordic Walking Park Osiek

widoczny zbiornik wodny w okolicach Osieka, przy brzegu rowery wodne
Osiek Nordic Walk consists of almost 32km of routes of different levels of difficulties. The routes are aimed both at nordic walking beginners as well as at those looking for a sports challenge. The routes are located in Osiek Commune. Osiek Nordic Walking Park is a network of intersecting or overlapping routes. This enables unlimited prolonging or shortening and changing the direction of the walks. The routes are marked with clear information boards in accordance with european nordic walking standards. The boards also contain detailed maps, general information about the technique, choice of equipment and health benefits of nordic walking. Additionally, the boards contain information about basic physical exercises for doing warm-up, muscle strengthening exercises and stretching exercises. The proposition is aimed not only at nordic walkers but also at other sports lovers, e.g. runners.

Route no.1 (green) length 5.1km; estimated walking time 1h

A gentle and not very strenuous route located in Osiek. This loop marked with green signs partly overlaps both red and black route. The route is marked out mostly along tarmac roads and pavements. Having done the warm-up we set off from the sports stadium of Osiek Sport and Leisure Centre. Initially the route overlaps the red and the black route. We go past the Commune Council, cross Główna Street and turn into Kościelna Street. We march between the buildings of Osiek towards the tower of the brick church of St. Andrew the Apostle dominating the area. At the crossroads we turn into Starowiejska Street and in a moment we see a jewel of wooden architecture - built in late gothic style, surrounded with over 500 years old monumental oaks, the 16th century church of St Andrew the Apostle. We march on until we reach the 949 provincial road. Taking precaution we march along a 300m section of Browarna Street, reach Główna street and walk along the pavement. After several more minutes of walking and following the route's sign we reach the Stadium, where we started our walk.

 Route no.2 Osiek (red) length 11.3km; estimated walking time 2h

 An interesting route especially recommended for regular nordic walking training. Initially the route overlaps the green route. After leaving the Sports Stadium we march along Główna Street until we reach the end of the pavement. After a while we turn left following the route's marks and walking along a good-quality tarmac road we climb a small hill. Down on the right we can see ponds and in front of us we can see the forest-covered peaks of the Żywiec Beskids. We reach a crossroads and walk for about 2km along Włosiańska Street. Following Akacjowa Street and than Spacerowa Street we reach Karoliński Forest - a small woods where an exercise board is located. Having done the exercises we turn left and walk along Karolina Street towards the centre of Osiek. The initial 300m section does not have a pavement and raquires precaution. We turn into Sobótkowa Street and following the signs cross Główna Street. Following Stawowa Street we reach Starowiejska Street and join the black route. After almost 2 more kilometres and passing through the centre of Osiek we reach the Sports Stadium closing the red loop.

 Route no.3 (black) length 15.3km; estimated walking time 3h

 The longest of the routes in Osiek Nordic Walking Park is a 15 km loop marked with black signs. The whole route is marked out along pavements and tarmac roads. Initially the route overlaps the green and the red route but after 1.8km it turns into Starowiejska Street heading for Głębowice. In Osiek Górny, by the exercise board, the road furcates and creates an eight kilometre loop. After reaching the Voluntary Fire Brigade depot in Głębowice, having passed the cemetary we turn left. Taking precaution (non-built-up area - cars can drive at 90 kph!) we walk for 2km on the left side of the road to Polanka Wielka. Having turned left, following Świerkowa Street we reach the pulse measurement point. Having checked the pulse we take a tarmac path along Grunwaldzka Street which winds charmingly between the fields. After 10.6km from the begining of the walk we reach a viewpoint. From here we can admire a beautiful panorama of the Żywiec Beskids. 1km further we close the loop and having turn right we go back to Starowiejska Street. Following the route's signs we join the red route and than the green route and having walked 15km we finish our walk at the Sports Stadium.

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