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Gromada's Shepherd's Hut in Jaworki

Gromada's Shepherd's Hut in Jaworki

Widok na polanę oraz Bacówkę Wojciecha Gromady w Jaworkach. Przed bacówką stoi traktor. Obok obiektu rośnie niewielki las. Nad wszystkim piękne niebieskie niebo.

Jaworki Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

Wojciech Gromada lives in Ząb, the highest situated village in Podhale. Yet he shepherds far from his home in Jaworki, near Szczawnica. 'I have lived with sheep for half a century', says the shepherd. Gromada is a proponent of traditional oscypek, so he does introduces no innovations in his work. 'Oscypki were made by our ancestors, so you have to follow in their footsteps', says the shepherd from Jaworek.

Wojciech Gromada lives in Ząb, the highest situated village in Podhale. Yet he shepherds far from his home in Jaworki, near Szczawnica. 'I have lived with sheep for half a century', says the shepherd. He also emphasises that shepherding is his whole life. The shepherd's hut, on the other hand, is actually his second home during the summer season when he moves in and works. Shepherding is a round-the-clock occupation, with no set hours – there is always some work to do, whether in the shepherd's hut or with the sheep. One of the most important things is 'pucenie' – the production of oscypek and other products made from sheep's milk. It is important to remember that oscypek is the most widely known, but it’s just one of many products. At a shepherd's hut you can also buy so-called gołki, bunc or drink żentyca. Later in the shepherding season, you can also buy the much-loved bryndza made by milling fermented bunc. Żentyca, in turn, is a nutritious and refreshing drink, although people with lactose intolerance should be wary of it. Wojciech Gromada is thus shepherding away from his home in the Skalne Podhale region, but it is a unique opportunity to get to know the folklore of the Pieniny and Podhale highlanders at the same time.