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The folk architecture complex, Chochołów

The folk architecture complex, Chochołów

Ulica, za nią chodnik, za którym stoją rzędem wzdłuż chodnika drewniane z beli domy z gontowymi dachami i małymi oknami, ściśle ustawione szczytami do drogi. Przy drugim drewniane ogrodzenie, za którym rosną wysokie tuje.

34-513 Chochołów Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182613540
Beautifully situated in one of the most picturesque villages in the rocky Podhale region, it is famous for its perfectly preserved wooden buildings from the turn of the 19th century.

In the village located in the Czarny Dunajec Valley, highlander cottages stand on the bank of the stream, along the road from Zakopane to Czarny Dunajec. Chochołów's invaluable historical value lies in the characteristic Podhale architecture, with cottages set tightly with their gables facing the road. These are houses built on the projection of a rectangle in the Podhale style, of log construction, and covered with half-timbered shingle roofs decorated with "słonecki" and "pazdur". At Easter and on Corpus Christi, local carpenters scrub the walls of the cottages, made from wide wooden logs, with soapy water, which gives the logs their characteristic light colour. One of the most beautiful is the cottage from Jedná Jedla, number 24, the front wall of which was built in the late 19th century from a single huge fir trunk. The Bafia Cottage, built in 1798 and rebuilt in 1889, houses the Chochołów Uprising Museum, a branch of the Tatra Museum. The exhibition devoted to the 1846 uprising is set up inside a highlander's cottage, with everyday items collected in the black room and festive items in the white room. In 2018, in a wooden building from the turn of the 19th century, the Natural Heritage Centre - Peat Bog Museum was opened with an interactive exhibition showing the formation, significance, use, and flora and fauna of peat bogs. In the area, it is worth seeing the church in Witów from the 20th century, and wooden houses in Czarny Dunajec from the 19th century.