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War Cemetery no. 366 – Quarter on the Communal Cemetery in Limanowa

War Cemetery no. 366 – Quarter on the Communal Cemetery in Limanowa

Pośrodku szeroka alejka na środku której stoi niski pomnik i dwa groby z krzyżami pośród kwiatów i krzewów. Z tyłu kapliczka - pomnik. Po bokach na trawnikach kamienne niskie nagrobki z krzyżami maltańskimi. Za nimi inne nagrobki. Z tyłu oświetlone zachodzącym słońcem drzewa w jesiennych kolorach i prawie bezchmurne niebo.

ul. Szwedzka, 34-600 Limanowa Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

Limanowa is also home to War Cemetery no. 366. 28 Austro-Hungarian and 8 Russian soldiers are buried there.
The cemetery was designed by Gustav Ludwig, while the image of Christ leaning over the wounded soldier was painted by Franciszek Mrażek. The soldiers buried there were killed in action during the battles in the vicinity of Limanowa fought in the late November and early December of 1914. The Russians captured the town on November 20, then Limanowa was temporarily taken over by the Polish Legions, and it was ultimately recaptured by the Hungarian Hussars in the early December of 1914. The fierce battles for Limanowa were fought until December 11, when the much weaker Austro-Hungarian forces managed to defend the town against the attacking Russians.

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