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Black Bike Trail from the Castle in Zator to the Castle in Graboszyce

Black Bike Trail from the Castle in Zator to the Castle in Graboszyce

Duży dinozaur z długim pyskiem i kłami stoi na dwóch łapach, pochylony wśród drzew z przebijającym niebem.
Scale of difficulty: For beginners
Types of trails: Cycle
Length of trail: 7,3
Zator Tourist region: Oświęcim i okolice

Beginning of the trail: Zator

End of the trail: Graboszyce

Total length of the trail: 7.3 km

Difficulty: easy

The black bike trail from Zator to Graboszyce, which was created quite recently (2018–2019), is a good idea for adding variety toyour trip to Zator and the numerous amusement parks operating there. It actually crosses one of these sites (Zatorland), so don’t be surprised if the world’s allegedly largest moving giant dinosaur suddenly appears by the trail or if you pass the Mythology Park located on the water. That’s why it’s worth taking your bike here and going to see other ponds, which are widely spread out on old beds of the Skawa River. The trail consists mostly of new gravel sections thatare suitable also for smaller wheels, so you can safely go there with children. The only bottleneck is a short section across the bridge in the village of Rudze, which can currently be covered only along the national road. Due to the fact that the trail follows the future VeloSkawa route, there is a chance that a parallel pedestrian and bicycle bridge will be built here in the coming years. After crossing the bridge, we turn again towards the ponds and gravel roads running between them and leading us to the castle in Graboszyce. You’ll also encounter several rest shelters along the way. The trail is recommended as a connection linking the centre of Zator (and the local railway station) to the Trail of the Carp Valley and as an alternative to diversify the trip along the Vistula Bicycle Route (the section from the bridge in Jankowice to the centre of Zator can by covered only along the road).


Maximum elevation: 249 m a.s.l.

The lowest point on the route is at elevation: 225 m a.s.l.

The route runs through the following protected areas:

Natura 2000: Dolna Skawa Valley

19% of the route runs through forested areas.

Detailed route: Zator, Trzebieńczyce, Grodzisko, Rudze, Graboszyce

Tourist attractions: Fortified manor house in Graboszyce (Zator), Castle in Zator (Zator), ZatorLand (Zator), Energylandia (Zator)

Natural attractions: Natura 2000 – Dolna Skawa Valley

64% of the trail runs on roads free of motor vehicle traffic.

Zator, Trzebieńczyce, Grodzisko, Rudze, Graboszyce