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Outdoor education with Bielak Active

Outdoor education with Bielak Active

Spora grupa dzieci siedząca pod drzewami i podnosząca ręce do góry.. W oddali widać bloki mieszkalne.

ul. Dobra 202, 34-642 Dobra Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 669020100
If you have little explorers, nature lovers and little tykes at home who are happy to be swept away by adventure – this is an attraction just for them!

Bielak Active was established based on many years of experience in sport, tourism and organisation, thanks to a desire to combine working with people, continuous learning, physical activity and travel. 

Educational outdoor activities, cyclical half-day camps for the youngest, winter holidays, educational and family excursions and themed workshops allow kids to get to know the unknown and more unusual tourist attractions of Małopolska. The Rogasiowy Trail, Land of the Green Whale, the AK Wolf Camp, the bunker in Mostki, the Foresters' Path in the Mt Babia massif, and the Wdżar Gorge – these and other places will delight everybody, even the youngest. The content is adapted to the participants' abilities, and safety is placed above all else. An excellent idea for children to play to the rhythm of eco... naturally!

Outdoor Education with Bielak Active won an award in the 2020 Małopolska  Tourist Treasures competition in the So Much Is Happening category!