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Kosocice Fort in Kraków

Kosocice Fort in Kraków

Duży betonowy plac. Przy nim od prawej trawnik i murowana z cegły ściana niskiego fortu z zakratowanymi oknami, ciągnąca się w głąb. Dach porastają krzewy i drzewa w jesiennych barwach. Po lewej las. Nad wszystkim bezchmurne niebo.

ul. Osterwy, ul. Hallera, 32-020 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

It was erected in the years 1897–1899 as a small armoured fort of a semi-circular plan. It was situated on the southern slope of the ridge and faced south.
It was equipped with an observation tower and two armoured towers with 8-cm cannons model 1894, manufactured in Škoda plants. The armoured towers were supposed to protect the cannon and the crew from the enemy bombardment. Kosocice Fort was charged with a task of protecting the so-called Lemberg Route and the railway line to Przemyśl. Together with the auxiliary fort located about 200 m away and the neighbouring buildings, this fort received the main blow of the Russian attack on Kraków in December. The fort survived the Russian artillery fire practically undamaged. The Russians concentrated their attack on these positions, as they were crucial for the defence of the southeast corner of Kraków Fortress. At present, the fort – a private property – is in use but is not open to the public.

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