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Gorczański National Park

Gorczański National Park

Rozmyty fioletowy kwiat. Droga polna pomiędzy polami, na których trawy, snopki, ostrewki, odgrodzona drewnianym płotem. Na niej idące trzy osoby. Za nimi drzewo i dalej choinki. Po lewej w tle dolina i zabudowania oraz zalesione wzgórze i pogodne niebo.

Poręba Wielka Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

These not so high mountains are very attractive for sightseeing, and the numerous trails and paths are so diverse that everyone will find something for themselves.
Gorczański National Park extends over the central and north-east parts of the Gorce Mountains, which belong to the Western Beskids. The park was established in 1981 and comprises two mountain ridges stretching from Turbacz (1310 m asl) towards the peak of Gorc (1228 m asl) and the peak of Kudłoń (1276 m asl). Jaworzyna Kamienicka (1288 m asl) is the highest summit of the park. These relatively low mountains are of particular interest to tourists with a taste for hiking thanks to a variety of trails suited to everyone’s enjoyment. Importantly, the area was also included into the Natura 2000 network, being a habitat to rare European birds, such as the western capercaillie, the white-backed woodpecker, the Eurasian pygmy-owl and the Ural owl. The mountains are covered with beautiful forests, themselves the remnant of the once primeval Carpathian Forest. The areas least affected by man are situated in the lower parts of the mountains made up by mixed forests called beech woods. There, should you visit, one can find centuries-old beech and fir trees in antique splendour. A true curiosity of flora is the lanceleaf grapefern, a fern known to grow only in the Gorce Mountains and now, sadly, completely threatened with extinction. Large predatory mammals - like the wolf and lynx - as well as a number of hoofed mammals, also inhabit the area. The old trees are a favourite nesting site for birds, including such rare species as the eagle owl and western capercaillie, while the flowery meadows resound with the myriad buzzing of insects. The park’s charming symbol is the frequently seen fire salamander. However, the prominent feature of the Gorce Mountains is the glades, the consequence of the region’s pastoral traditions that harkens back to the 15th century. 

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