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The War Cemetery Chapel in Kamionka Mała

The War Cemetery Chapel in Kamionka Mała

Drewniana kaplica z podcieniami wspartymi na rzeźbionych kolumnach, ze dachem krytym gontem, z wieżyczką zwieńczoną u góry. Posadowiona na murowanym tarasie. Wokół drewniane ogrodzenie z betonowymi słupkami i za nim dużo drzew. Niebo częściowo zachmurzone.

Kamionka Mała, 34-602 Laskowa Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

The War Cemetery Chapel in Kamionka Mała originated – like the cemetery – in 1915 and was based on a design by G. Ludwig.
The cemetery is the resting place of Austrian, German and Russian soldiers who lay down their lives from the 8-13 December, 1914. The chapel was modelled on the Alpine style. It is a two-storey, 13m-high building, constructed to a square plan and set on a stone terrace. The floors are divided by an overhanging arcade supported on 12 pillars, with a semi-circular gable above the entrance. The building is capped by a steep tent roof. The interior walls of the chapel are boarded, while the wooden ceiling is decorated with wood carving.

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