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The Parish Church of the Assumption of the BVM in Wysowa

The Parish Church of the Assumption of the BVM in Wysowa

Na wprost drewniany, w ciemnym kolorze, kościół z kwadratową wieżą nad wejściem. Na górze wieży wieżyczka z sygnaturką. Dalej wysoka nawa z niskimi po bokach. W dolnej części okna małe, okrągłe, wyżej duże z łukiem. Z boku trzy schody. Przed kościołem betonowe schody z podjazdem. Wokół alejka i trawnik. Za kościołem wysokie drzewa i zachmurzone niebo.

Wysowa-Zdrój 9, 38-316 Wysowa-Zdrój Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 183532011
The church arose in 1936-38 on the basis of a design by Z. Mączeński. The building style recalls the traditional architecture of the region.
The walls were erected using an unusual post-frame construction and then boarded. The internal layout is single-nave, with a narrower chancel which is closed on three sides and has a sacristy attached. Inside flat ceilings have been used, while the nave is partially covered by false arched vaulting resting on columns. The church is furnished with a baroque main altar from the C18th or C19th, brought from another church. It contains a painting of the Assumption of the BVM.

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