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The Church of All Saints Sobolów

The Church of All Saints Sobolów

Zdjęcie przedstawiające zabytkowy, drewniany kościół Wszystkich Świętych w Sobolowie.

Sobolów 23, 32-742 Sobolów Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 146854480
This temple is located on the Wooden Architecture Route in Małopolska in Sobolów.
The parish church of All Saints in Sobolów was built at the end of the 16th century. It is a building with a nave in a log frame structure. On the eastern wall of the presbytery, there is a 20th-century Gethsemane group: an angel offering a chalice to Christ. Near the church, there is a free-standing 17th-century wooden bell tower, in which a Gothic bell hangs. The oldest historic element of the temple is a Late Renaissance painting presenting the Crucifixion. In the 19th-century main altar, there is a painting of Mother of God with the Child, and the paintings in the nave represent scenes with purgatory souls. Other noteworthy elements are Rococo side altars and Late Baroque patron’s pews. Sobolów is located close to Pierzchów – the birthplace of General Henryk Dąbrowski, the founder of the Polish Legions in Italy. A mound in his memory can be found here. Source: drewniana.malopolska.pl