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Church of the Hermits Andrzej Świerad and Benedict Tropie

Church of the Hermits Andrzej Świerad and Benedict Tropie

Niewielki kościół ze stromym dachem z sygnaturką, o białych ścianach stojący na wzniesieniu nad brzegiem jeziora. Po jego prawej stronie wysoka na trzy dzwony dzwonnica. Kościół stoi na podmurówce z kamieni. Wokoło drzewa i trawa. Na przeciwległym brzegu drzewa.

Tropie 6, 33-316 Tropie Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 184494180
tel. +48 184403076
tel. +48 605623291
It is one of the oldest churches in the Małopolska region, towering over Lake Czchowskie. The Romanesque church of Saints Świerad and Benedict was built from sandstone at the turn of the 12th century. It was founded by Casimir the Restorer and probably consecrated by Saint Stanislaus the Martyr.

In the parish museum, visitors can see a Baroque paten and chalice from the 17th century, crosses from the 17th and 18th centuries, baroque and Rococo chasubles from the 17th and 18th centuries, a Rococo procession float from the 18th century, a wooden tabernacle, liturgical vessels and equipment, archives from the 16th–20th centuries, old prints and manuscripts, metric and ritual books from the 17th century, and a library from the 18th–19th centuries.

The church square begins with a stone rosary of Polish saints carved in 1998 by a local stonemason to commemorate the millennium of Saint Świerad's life in the hermitage, with descriptions of the lives of fifteen Polish saints on metal crosses. The brick, free-standing belfry was erected in the 19th century as a triple arcade, in which the bell of St Świerad hangs. The Oak of Saint Świerad is the protected remnant of the trunk of the legendary oak, the seat of the Hermit. A spring of living water flows from under the rock on which the church stands and feeds the tap at the bell tower. The Gothic cemetery chapel of St Stanislaus the Bishop and Martyr was built in the 14th–15th centuries. Church ceremonies or performances are held at the altar under the sail. The rock of St Benedict, topped by his statue, is a peak rising above the Dunajec River from which building material for the church was taken from the 11th century. The parsonage, pilgrim's house, barn and coach house were built or rebuilt in the 19th century. Today, the former pilgrim's house is used as a parish ministry.