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St. Sophia Church, Bobowa

St. Sophia Church, Bobowa

Niewielki kościół z kamienia, bez wieży, z małą wieżyczką na dachu, widziany z boku od strony prezbiterium, zza drzew w jesiennych barwach. W ścianie wysokie okna z łukiem. Z tyłu fragmenty budynków. Bezchmurne niebo.

ul. Świętej Zofii, 38-350 Bobowa Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 535327721
The Gothic Church dates back to the 15th century. The temple was first mentioned in 1475. It was an Arian congregation for some time and returned to the Catholics in 1646. In 2019, it was awarded an honourable mention in the Zabytek Zadbany competition for the exemplary comprehensive conservation work carried out on the interior and exterior of the Church.

The Church, built in the second half of the 15th century, was destroyed by fires several times. In 1808, it underwent a thorough renovation thanks to the efforts of Michał Miłkowski. It was also renovated in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Before the restoration work between 2012 and 2015, the Church was in poor condition, and another major restoration was executed between 2018 and 2019.

The Gothic St. Sophia Church is a stone-built temple with a rectangular nave and a triangular closed, narrower and lower chancel framed by faulted corner scarps. A late 15th-century Late Gothic stone stoup decorated with masquerades, which was probably the spell of the old baptistery, is set into one of the scarps. The gabled, shingled roofs shared a typical ridge until the early 20th century. Above the chancel rises a wooden bell turret with a pyramidal cupola. Dating from the 15th century are Gothic pointed-arch windows and three portals. The interior has flat ceilings decorated with fragments of polychrome from the 15th century, and the chancel is separated from the nave by a pointed-arch transept. The furnishings are mainly Baroque from the 18th century, including a Rococo pulpit, a Baroque stone stoup and numerous paintings. There are three Rococo-Classical altars from the turn of the 19th century, and the main one features a Late Gothic artwork of St. Sophia from the early 16th century. Next to the church is a bell tower with three bells from the second half of the 19th century.