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Rzezawa and Nowy Wiśnicz Link Salina Cracoviensis

Rzezawa and Nowy Wiśnicz Link Salina Cracoviensis

Na wprost wysoki, murowany zamek. Od prawej z okrągłą wysoką basztą z małymi oknami. Dalej schody po dwóch stronach do wysokiego budynku , pięciokondygnacyjnego z wieloma oknami i niskim dachem krytym dachówką. Obok po lewej wysoka wieża prostokątna i dalszy fragment wysokiego zamku. Na końcu druga wysoka, okrągła baszta. Po lewej niski budynek . Z tyłu kamienne ogrodzenie i wysokie drzewa. Przed zamkiem alejki między trawnikami. Niebo częściowo zachmurzone.
Scale of difficulty: For intermediates
Types of trails: Cycle
Length of trail: 33,8

Beginning of the trail: Bogucice

End of the trail: Nowy Wiśnicz

Total length of the trail: 33.8 km

Difficulty: medium

The Rzezawa and Nowy Wiśnicz Link is another of the trails created around 2010 as part of the tourist product entitled Bicycle Salt Ring Salina Cracoviensis. Following this trail (marked in red), you can turn off the main trail in Kopaliny and head towards the Lubomirski Castle in Nowy Wiśnicz and continue through Rzezawa (railway station) to Okulice (famous sanctuary). Most of the trail leads along asphalt roads with low car traffic. The only gravel section is the picturesque portion through the Kopaliński Forest between Bochnia and Nowy Wiśnicz. As the trail markings are not regularly maintained and don’t reflect the changes in the road infrastructure (e.g., the A4 motorway), we recommend using the gpx track with the most recent updates to the trail. The part of the trail between Bochnia and Rzezawa offers a ride on low hills and views of the Beskid and Tatra Mountains if the visibility is good. The castle in Nowy Wiśnicz is obviously a must-see (bicycles can be left at the ticket office). There are not many resting places on the trail, but the best ones are the active leisure centre in Borek (during its opening hours) and the new cycling rest stop (MOR) in Bogucice, which were created as part of the VeloMetropolis (EuroVelo4) route. You can also continue your trip towards Niepołomice along this route.

Maximum elevation: 356 m a.s.l.

The lowest point on the route is 188 m a.s.l.

The route runs through the following protected areas:

Landscape parks: Wiśnicz-Lipnica Landscape Park

Natura 2000: Nowy Wiśnicz

14% of the route runs through forested areas.

Tourist attractions: Museum of the Wiśnicz Land (m. Nowy Wiśnicz), the Castle in Wiśnicz (Nowy Wiśnicz).

Natural attractions: Natura 2000 – Nowy Wiśnicz, Wiśnicz-Lipnica Landscape Park.

4% of the trail runs on roads without vehicular traffic.

Bogucice – Okulice – Borek – Rzezawa – Brzeźnica – Stary Wiśnicz – Nowy Wiśnicz