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Museum of the Home Army gen. Emil Fieldorf "Nil" in Kraków

Museum of the Home Army gen. Emil Fieldorf "Nil" in Kraków

Rzeźba z napisem przed ceglanym budynkiem Muzeum Armii Krajowej. Z budynku powiewają biało-czerwone flagi.

ul. Wita Stwosza 12, 31-511 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 124100770
The permanent exhibition on the 3 levels of the Museum is a modern multimedia exhibition, combined with a presentation of original memorabilia showcasing the struggle and heroism of Polish society in the face of war.
Visitors can see a reconstruction of a Vickers tank, British Halifax bomber hull, and V-2 rocket, whilst exploring a space with a unique narrative filled with historical objects. The main purpose of the AK Museum's activity is to locate and secure collections related to the theme of the Home Army and resistance in Poland. The institution leads historical research leading to greater cultural understanding and recognition of the collections significance. The Museums’ other aims include the interpretation and delivery of knowledge in the following subjects: history of the twentieth century, World War II, the Polish Underground State and the Home Army. The Museum Group facilitates this through activities including: educational, scientific, exhibitions, information and promotions. The Museum's task is also to commemorate people and events related to the independence movements, Museum of the Home Army gen. Emil Fieldorf "Nil" in Krakow is a self-governing cultural institution whose organizers include the Municipality of Krakow and Lesser Poland.