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Museum of Independence Myślenice

Museum of Independence Myślenice

Wejście do Muzeum Niepodległości w Myślenicach. Przed wejściem do ceglano-betonowego budynku są stojaki informacyjne oraz schody z betonu.

ul. Romualda Traugutta 11, 32-400 Myślenice Tourist region: Beskid Mały i Makowski

tel. +48 123127140
The museum tells the history of Poland through the experiences of the people of Myślenice. It combines an ethnographic, archaeological and geological collection with a modern cultural and educational centre. It is a place to meet, greet, and spend a little while getting to know the past.

The first seat of the Museum of Independence was the building of the current Myślenice Town and Municipality Office. The Regional Museum of Myślenice Land was opened there in 1929 as part of the independence initiatives of four activists – Emil Kubala, Stefan Bałuk, Tadeusz Prus-Wiśniowski and Maria Osobliwa. Unfortunately, the war led to the destruction of the collection. In 1946, a campaign to collect memorabilia of the region's history and culture was announced, which resulted a year later in the creation of the exhibition that forms the basis of today's exhibition. In 1976, after the exhibition finished its extensive touring, the museum was given a home in the renovated Greek House, a 17th-century town inn once used by Armenian merchants known as the 'Greeks'.

The museum's name was changed to the Museum of Independence in Myślenice in 2017, and since 2021, its new headquarters has been a modern building at 11 Traugutta Street. It has a wealth of digital exhibition technology at its disposal. The museum's philosophy is to nurture historical memory and tradition through objects, memorabilia, education, meetings and exhibitions.

Each floor of the building houses a different permanent exhibition. On the first floor, the ‘History of Myślenice’ exhibition tells the story of the town’s earliest days and takes visitors on a trip through history up the times of the 19th century and features exhibits with archaeological, historical, ethnographic, and aristocratic themes. The exhibition ‘Myśleniczan walka o Niepodległość’ (Myślenice People's Fight for Independence) is located on the ground floor, telling the story of the hard times during the war and the fight for freedom and independence. The theme of the local community working for the glory of the Fatherland is also highlighted. The exhibition ‘Myśleniczan walka o demokrację’ on floor -1 tells the story of the Cursed Polish Soldiers, of the merciless communist indoctrination and the progressive political changes culminating in the Round Table Talks. The themes of the permanent exhibitions relate to Poland on the grand national-historical scale and the more intimate Poland as experienced on a more personal level. Here, you can learn about Myślenice's contribution to the country's cultural and historical heritage, its people's contribution to the restoration of independence, and the region's rich historical past. The museum also hosts meetings, offers history lessons, and stages temporary exhibitions.

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