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Carmelite Museum in Piasek in Krakow

Carmelite Museum in Piasek in Krakow

Muz. Karmelitów, Kraków

ul. Karmelicka 19, 31-131 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice, Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 126321173
tel. +48 126321173 w.143
The Museum is located at the Carmelite monastery in Piasek. Here, we may see the most valuable collections from the Archives and Library of the order. These are the old prints, illuminated liturgical manuscripts, liturgical paraments. Next to the monastery, there is the 17th-century Basilica Minor of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the chapel, where there is the painting of Our Lady of the Scapular, Our Lady of Krakow. The original temple was founded by Queen Jadwiga. According to the legend, the imprint of her foot on a stone slab is embedded in the walls of the church.