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The Henryk-Ski resort

The Henryk-Ski resort

Widok na stację w słoneczny zimowy dzień, grupa osób czekających w kolejce do wyciągu krzesełkowego

ul. Zielona 9, 33-380 Krynica-Zdrój Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 660496720
A ski piste on an overpass? Sure, but this is only possible in Krynica-Zdrój. Add a broad and relatively gentle ski slope, two chair lifts and a belt for children, and here you have it – a surefire recipe for success.
The Henryk-Ski resort, beautifully situated on the slope of Krzyżowa (812 metres above sea level), has been surprising the visitors with new investments for many years. Just a few years ago, this small station in Krynica offered just a chair lift and an 800-metre-long slope. In order to extend the slope by several hundred metres, the owner of the station not only installed a second lift and an intermediate station, but also built an overpass over the road. Thanks to said overpass, skiers can now enjoy a two-kilometre-long ski slope in the very heart of the renowned spa. The pistes are gentle, which makes them perfect for learning how to ski, as well as for honing your skills and technique. A conveyor belt and a gentle slope – even the youngest adepts have their own – small, yet cool – world in the foot of Krzyżowa. The slopes are illuminated, groomed, and can be also covered with artificial snow. The resort also offers equipment rental, service and a ski school, while lovers of regional cuisine can spend their time at “U Krakowiaka” Inn. Additionally, you should not forget about a beautiful view of Krynica and Beskid Sądecki from Krzyżowa.