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Panieńskie Rocks Las Wolski

Panieńskie Rocks Las Wolski

Fragment Lasu Wolskiego, wąwóz ze skałami

Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

Panieńskie Rocks Las WolskiThis is the largest green area in Kraków, a magical and secluded place close to the city centre. A reserve protects the forest area, and characteristic of the relief are gorges, ravines and piled-up limestone rock formations called Panieńskie Rocks.
A group of rocks in the Wolski Forest in the western part of Kraków is located within the Sowiniec Eange, with a culmination rising almost 150 metres above Kraków Market Square. They are made of Jurassic limestone; they have been strongly influenced by erosion – the rounded shapes and cavities are the result of karst, and the cracks are the result of mass movements that have caused some of the rocks to roll down to the bottom of the ravine. The name of the rocks comes from the nuns of the nearby Norbertine convent known as the ‘Maidens of Zwierzynice’, who, according to legend, took refuge in this area during the Tartar invasion of 1241. These areas are part of the Bielańsko-Tyniecki Landscape Park. A walk through this mysterious, dense forest is an ideal retreat for anyone wishing to escape the hustle and bustle of the city; the ease of the walking paths also encourages family walks with young children. Due to its proximity to the city centre, access is also possible by public transport, so it is an ideal option even on an autumn afternoon. Entry to the Wolski Forest is free, and the paths are well signposted.