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Insect Park in Zator

Insect Park in Zator

Na tle niebieskiego nieba, gigantyczna mucha nad bramą z kamieni z napisem

ul. Parkowa 7, 32-640 Zator Tourist region: Oświęcim i okolice

tel. +48 601858851
tel. +48 573581262
The Insect Park in Zator is the first site of this kind in southern Poland.

The Insect Park in Zator lies around 50 km away from Kraków. Its visitors are introduced to the world of insects. Following the educational path, we will meet 20 giant figures serving as accurate models of an ant, a grasshopper, a ladybird, a stag beetle, a butterfly larva, a European mantis, a scorpion, a Colorado beetle, a European rhinoceros beetle, a fly and an earwig. Visiting a special exhibition, we can admire insects from various parts of the world, such as Thailand or Russia. The glass cases contain spiders, butterflies, beetles, cicadas and other insects.

The Zatorland complex offers new attractions to its visitors, including a climbing wall, rope park, monster truck and an active explorer zone.

Park opening hours

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