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Tombstone of Barbara Tarnowska née Tęczyńska in Basilica of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Tarnów

Tombstone of Barbara Tarnowska née Tęczyńska in Basilica of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Tarnów

Na jasnej ścianie bazyliki z łukami z cegły wisi nagrobek przyścienny z piaskowca i czerwonego marmuru. Od góry trójkątny szczyt wsparty na kwadratowych kolumnach, pod nim rzeźba leżącej kobiety, z poduszką pod głową. Niżej prostokątny fragment z ciemnym środkiem. Po lewej wiszący świecznik. U góry okno z witrażem.

Plac Katedralny 5, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 146214501
Figure of Barbara from the tombstone is considered the most beautiful sculpted representation of a women in Polish Renaissance art.
The monument was relocated to the south aisle from the chancel and mounted on the wall, high above the floor. It was sculpted in a sandstone with some red marble elements. The form resembles Greek aedicule, 3.7 m tall and 2.24 m wide. The console supporting the tomb terminates in volutes and has subtle acanthus motif finish. The woman is presented asleep and relaxed, with her head supported by her right hand and resting on a pillow. This particular sculpture was a model for many other female depictions.