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Skałki Przegorzalskie Kraków

Przegorzalskie Rocks Kraków

Na zalesionym wzgórzu duży, trzykondygnacyjny biały zamek w jasnym kolorze, z wysokim dachem pokrytym czerwoną dachówką, z tarasem na kamiennych arkadach, z dwoma kwadratowymi wieżami po bokach. Po lewej w niewielkim odstępie kwadratowa wieża  z czerwonym dachem, ze zwieńczeniem ku górze. Niebo błękitne z dużą kłębiastą chmurą nad zamkiem. Pod zamkiem u dołu niewielki jasny budynek wśród drzew.

Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

You will find abundant unique plants in the reserve, which protects rare rock grasslands and thermophilic scrub. These include mezereon, primrose, and lily of the valley. The floral reserve is located on the edge of Wolski Forest on the Przegorzały side.
The Przegorzalskie Rocks Nature Reserve extends over an area of 1.38 hectares. The legendary rocks emerge on a fragment of the southern slope of the Sowiniec Range that is not very extensive. They take the form of several rocks with almost vertical walls rising some 80 metres above the level of the Vistula River flowing through it. They are made of limestone; rare species of flora are found here, which is why they have been placed under strict protection. At the top of the reserve rises a large building – the so-called Belvedere dating from the Second World War, the villa of Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz called Rotunda and the late modernist Guest House of the Jagiellonian University. The Przegorzalskie Rocks are a picturesque place located just a few kilometres from the centre of Kraków, on a hill in Przegorzaly within the Tyniec Landscape Park. This strict nature reserve was created to protect rare rock grasslands, xerothermic grasslands and thermophilic vegetation. It is also home to several other protected plants, such as the rolling hen-and-chicks, primrose, lily of the valley, sweet scented bedstraw and many others. The Przegorzalskie Rocks is an ideal place for a walk for anyone interested in nature and who appreciates the outdoors.

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