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Rajbrot Granary

Rajbrot Granary

Na wprost na betonowych niskich słupkach stoi ukosem drewniany spichlerz, z grubych beli, pokryty jednospadowym dachem z gontem. Od przodu drewniane niskie schodki do niewielkich drzwi. Na około trawa. Po bokach z tyłu drzewa bez liści. Po lewej w tle budynek i niewielkie wzgórze. Niebo bezchmurne.

Rajbrot 43, 32-725 Rajbrot Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 146138040
In this one of the oldest villages on the edge of the Island Beskids you will find, among other things, a wooden granary.

The name of the village, Rajbrot, probably comes from the German and means 'golden brown bread'. The parish in the village was established in 1260, thanks to Duke Bolesław V the Chaste, and it was he who also founded the larch church. The granary, which dates from the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, is located in the complex next to the church. Along with other buildings it was built on the initiative of the referendary Andrzej Szymczakiewicz. It was rebuilt in the 1950s. It is a log building, one-storey, covered with a gable roof. It was built on a rectangular plan and sits on so-called 'pecki', i.e., stones serving as a primitive foundation. The only room inside is roofed with an exposed-beam ceiling. The floor is made of planks laid on thick beams – so-called joists.