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Kostka betonowa wyłożona przed dużym drewnianym budynkiem z gankiem w formie koła, z podcieniami wspartymi na ozdobnych filarach i drewnianą prostokątną bryłą, pokrytą dachem gontem, niczym kościół z wieżyczką po środku, małą jaskółką i półokrągłym małym oknem w dachu. Przed budynkiem z boku stoi pan, który przygląda się wystawionym pod budynkiem obrazom. Dalej rosną drzewa. W ganku widać siedzących ludzi.

Wysowa-Zdrój, 38-316 Wysowa-Zdrój Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

Mentions of the local mineral waters come from the 17th century. Their diversity is connected with the circulation of water between alternately arranged layers of sandstone and shale, where they become saturated with minerals.
Wysowa-Zrój hides among the gentle, sparsely populated hills of the Lower Beskids. This small place is situated in a wide valley at the heart of the mountains, close to the Slovak border. A perfect microclimate and local mineral waters make this health resort no less attractive for patients than the bigger and more known health resorts in Małopolska.History: Wysowa is one of the older villages in this part of the Beskids. It was founded in the second half of the 15th century, by the trade route leading to Hungary. Even though the mineral water springs were here, their therapeutic qualities began to be used only after 1812, when the first baths (a bathing centre) were built. But the resort developed only during the interwar period. After World War II, the cosy town was unnecessarily extended, and several huge sanatoria were erected.In Wysowa-Zdrój some water is available for free from the intakes in the spa park, but most of them can be tasted in the pump room pavilion, a stylish wooden building rebuilt in 2006 (the previous one burned down half a century ago). Mineral waters: “Franciszek”, “Józef”, “Henryk”, “Aleksandra”. Cultural offer and tourist attractions: Wysowa, though a small town, boasts a beautiful spa park, as befits a real health resort. In town, you will find a stylish, wooden mineral water pump room and an old spa house from the beginning of the 20th century (today a restaurant). The evidence of the earlier history of Wysowa – a former Lemko village – is a wooden St. Michael Archangel Orthodox church from 1779. In its interior you can see a complete iconostasis. The wooden church of St. Mary of the Assumption was built in 1936-38 with health resort patients in mind.An hour’s walk from Wysowa may lead along tourist trails to the Pokrowy Care of St. Mary chapel, hidden among the slopes of the Jawor mountain. The chapel was erected in 1929 next to the spring of the Głęboki Potok river, and for the Lemkos, Jawor is a Holy Mountain, a place of Marian revelations.You can visit many other wooden Orthodox churches in the surroundings of Wysowa. Some of them are real masterpieces of carpentry. It is worth visiting Orthodox churches in Hańczowa (first half of the 19th century), Uście Gorlickie (from 1786), Kwiatoń (second half of the 17th century) and Skwirtne (from 1837).Numerous military cemeteries from the World War I, scattered among the mountains and forests, consitute another historical memorial. They are evidence of tough battles fought between the Russian and the Austro-Hungarian armies in 1915, during the Gorlice-Tarnów offensive. There are short walking trails leading to two cemeteries situated in the mountains by the Blechnarka village, neighbouring Wysowa on the south.Water sports enthusiasts can take advantage of the artificial lake Klimkówka. The Ropa river flowing here was divided with a dam in a place, where it creates a gorge among the steep peaks of Pieniny Gorlickie. Some peaks of the Lower Beskids were dubbed "Pieniny Gorlickie" due to their bold shapes and unusually steep slopes that resemble the landform features of the Pieniny. The lake of Klimkówka is known especially to windsurfing enthusiasts, though the rental points on the lake shore also offer kayaks and other water equipment.The low peaks of the Lower Beskids, looming over the health resort, encourage walks, hikes as well as cycling trips. A few dedicated trails have been prepared around Wysowa. Following the green trail you can climb Kozie Żebro (847 m asl) and then descend to Hańczowa along the red trail, next to the beautiful, small wooden Orthodox church of Care of St. Mary from the first half of the 19th century (around 3 hours). You can then return to Wysowa by bus or continue the hike along the red trail through the village of Ropki and follow the yellow trail up to Ostry Wierch (938 m asl). From there, the green trail running along the bordering ridge will take you back to Wysowa (3 hours 30 min from Hańczowa to Wysowa). Horse riding enthusiasts should visit the Hucul (Carpahtian) pony stud in Gładyszów, 12 km away from Wysowa. It is the largest stud in Europe breeding these small, though strong ponies. There are numerous marked riding routes in the surrounding mountains.In winter Wysowa offers two small ski tows. The longer one, with an interesting route, is situated on Magura Małastowska, around 20 km from the health resort. The Lower Beskids are a perfect area for snowshoe hiking and ski touring.