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Following the Kalwaria Paths

Following the Kalwaria Paths

Sanktuarium z lotu ptaka. Pogodne niebo. Od prawej fragment dużego placu przedzielonego ogrodzeniem z bramą z metalowych przęseł, połączonym z obu stron niskimi murowanymi budynkami z krużgankami. Wewnątrz po środku, po schodach stoi kościół z dwiema kwadratowymi wieżami po bokach z sygnaturkami, murowany z wysokim oknem i drzwiami oraz figurami obok nich, z dachem dwuspadowym i sygnaturką. Po lewej trzy niższe fragmenty z kopułami, obok dzwonnica. Za kościołem fragment dużego budynku. Wokół ogrodzenia lasy i dalej panorama miasta.
Types of trails: Cycle
Length of trail: 30
Kalwaria Zebrzydowska Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

The starting point is at the car park in front of the Bernardine Monastery in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. We go south, and after 1 km, we turn left by the chapel into an alley – the Kalwaria Path. We cross the railway tracks and pass another chapel. We continue straight on; we take the first right behind the last building at a fork and descend to the next chapel, where we turn sharply right and follow the yellow bicycle trail up the Kalwaria Path. We turn left to cross the railway tracks and continue to the main road Kalwaria - Zakrzów, then turn left again and ascend the steep climb to the Kamionka ridge (with a viewpoint at the top). After that, we descend to Zakrzów, pass the manor house around the bend, and reach Stryszów after 2 km. At the crossroads, we turn right, pass the railway crossing and find ourselves at the farm buildings and a magnificent manor house. We return to the centre of the village, pass the crossroads and move ahead to the side ridge of Mount Chełm. Already in the forest, at the fork, we turn right, and at the top, turn left. After a short descent, we 'climb' again on the other branch of the ridge. On the red trail, we climb to the summit of Mount Chełm, cutting down (via a side road to the right) the steepest slope. We then follow the ridge, passing a junction and straight along an asphalt road to Skawinki, where we pass a wooden church. We descend to the main road, take the blue and red cycle trail at the second junction, and head right towards Lanckorona.

A steep uphill climb takes us to the Lanckorona market square, from which we leave along Świętokrzyska Street in a north-easterly direction. One kilometre further, we turn left into Legionistów Street, exit and turn right at the Church of the Tomb of Our Lady. After 200 metres, at a bend, we turn left, cross the Angel Bridge and take the Kalwaria Path up to the Bernardine Fathers' monastery.

Kalwaria Zebrzydowska – Zakrzów (8 km) – Stryszów (10 km) – Góra Chełm (16 km) – Skawinki (20 km) – Lanckorona (25 km) – Kalwaria Zebrzydowska (30 km)
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