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To Turbacz

To Turbacz

Duży murowany budynek z wysokim, stromym dachem stoi na wzgórzu wśród drzew.
Types of trails: Hiking
Length of trail: 34,6 km
Rabka-Zdrój Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy
It is best to begin the trip on the black trail from the lower station of the Maciejowa mountain ski lift. On the ridge you will see the red signs of the Main Beskid Trail, which you will follow all the way to Turbacz. On the way you will be passing two hostels: the mountain shelter on Maciejowa and the hostel on Stare Wierchy. The third hostel is situated by the summit of Turbacz (1310 m asl) on the breathtaking Długa Pass. Experienced hikers can cover the route in a single day, while others should plan for an overnight stay in the hostel on Turbacz and set off on the return journey the following day. The route can also be covered on a bicycle.
Rabka-Zdrój – Maciejowa – Stare Wierchy – Turbacz – Stare Wierchy – Maciejowa – Rabka-Zdrój
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