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Ojców loop

Ojców loop

Zdjęcie przedstawia młode dziewczyny ubraną w strój sportowy stojącą na skałach u szczytu Doliny Prądnika.
Types of trails: Hiking
Length of trail: 8,8 km
Ojców Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska
Begin the trip in Ojców by following the green trail up to the ruins of the castle. The trail leads to the car park on the Złota Góra mountain, where it descends steeply through the forest down to the Sąspówka valley. Once here, enter the yellow trail, turn left and follow the trail’s signs all the way to the exit onto the Prądnik valley. Then climb the black trail leading to the Grota Łokietka (Łokietek Cave, open to visitors), and take the blue trail down to the Ciasne Skałki (Narrow Rocks) ravine, and all the way to the rocky Brama Krakowska (Kraków Gate). Almost directly opposite the gate, you can admire the picturesque rocks of the Prądnik valley, among which you will find the entrance to the Jaskina Ciemna (Dark Cave), also partially open to visitors. Take the red Trail of the Eagles’ Nests from the Kraków Gate back to Ojców.
Ojców - Złota Góra - Brama Krakowska - Ojców
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