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Through the Magura Wątkowska massif

Through the Magura Wątkowska massif

Drogowskazy turystyczne przy bacówce w Bartnem prowadzące na szlak niebieski i czerwony i tablica ze schematyczną siecią szlaków przy bacówce w Bartnem
Types of trails: Hiking
Length of trail: 19,6 km
Bartne Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski
Hidden amidst the forests at the foot of Magura Wątkowska, Bartne is a starting point for trips around the eastern, wild part of Beskidu Niski. Begin by taking the red Main Beskid Trail from the PTTK mountain hostel located by the peak of Mareszka, in the upper part of the village. Climb to the top of the ridge of Magura Wątkowska, where there is a chapel and a monument of John Paul II standing on the intersection of trails. Then follow the green trail across the tallest peak of Magura, Wątkowa (846 m asl). Pass another intersection of trails, but before you begin to descend on the yellow trail to Bartne, go along the ridge to the Kornuty reserve, featuring interesting rock formations. In Bartne, you can visit the Museum of Orthodox church Art, and then keep following the yellow trail through the Magurycz massif to Banica, from which you will take the blue trail taking you back to the mountain hostel by Mareszka.
Schronisko pod Mareszką – Wątkowa – Kornuty – Bartne – Banica – Schronisko pod Mareszką
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