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Kościół świętego Michała Archanioła Ropa

The Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Ropa

Wnętrze drewnianego kościoła. Od prawej ołtarz boczny. Dalej trzy drewniane ławki i nad nimi obraz i wisząca ambona. Drzwi i obrazy na ścianie pomiędzy cienkimi filarami. Obok ołtarz główny. Ambonka. Stół nakryty obrusami. Z tyłu duży malowany obraz pomiędzy filarami, nad nim drugi. Po lewej trzy drewniane ławki. Z malowanego w obrazy sufitu zwisa wieloramienny kryształowy żyrandol.

Ropa 227, 38-312 Ropa

tel. +48 183534119
The Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Ropa arose in 1761. It was founded by the village landlords – Wilhelm and Petronela Siemieński.
The church was erected in the baroque style with finials recalling Lemko Orthodox Church architecture. The body of the church is wooden, log-construction, and has shingled walls. Two brick spires were added in around 1800, and in 1956 a new sacristy was attached to the chancel. The polychrome decoration with figurative motifs dates from the second half of the C19th. The main altar and two side altars from the first half of the C19th recall the baroque tradition.

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