CykloFonia - bicycle and music rally
Tourist events

Start date and time: Thursday, 29 August 2019 00:00
Organiser: Stowarzyszenie im. Mieczysława Karłowicza w Zakopanem
"CykloFonia - cycle into the world of music" is an announcement of the 11th International Festival "Music on the Heights – Zakopane 2019".
The event is an interesting combination of physical activity and meeting with art, as well as learning about the tourist assets of the Małopolska region.
As part of "CykloFonia", on 29–30 August there will be a bicycle rally on the route from Tarnów to Zakopane. It will lead along the newly created VeloDunajec route and will be divided into two stages, about 100 km each. During the rally, 6 performances of "Breeze – fleeting action for 111 cyclists" ("Eine Brise - Flüchtige Aktion für 111 Radfahrer") by Mauricio Kagel with bells, trumpets, sirens, etc. are planned. Earlier (on 25-28 August) bicycle workshops will take place in Tarnów, while at the same time music workshops and master classes are planned in Zakopane. The event will end with a final concert on 31 August 2019 at 18.00 in the "Belvedere" hotel in Zakopane.
Applications and more information: