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Pomnik Romana Brandstaettera Tarnów

Statue of Roman Brandstaetter, Tarnów

Pomnik z brązu mężczyzny bokiem, w berecie i okularach oraz z trzymającego w prawej ręce fajkę, opartego o ścianę. Na lewej stronie płaszcza ma wyryty tekst wiersza. Po lewej brukowana ulica, fragment chodnika i ściany z cegły.

ul. Wałowa 29, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

At the corner of a house at ul. Wałowa 29 there is a bronze statue of a man leaning his back against the building. It commemorates Roman Brandstaetter, eminent Polish poet, writer, playwright and the Bible expert. Born in Tarnów to a Jewish family with literary traditions, Roman converted to Catholicism. Despite his numerous journeys Brandstaetter never forgot his hometown. People of Tarnów paid him a tribute by funding a statue which presents Roman in his most remembered pose – with a beret and a pipe. The monument is located in very symbolic place – there, before the WWII, used to be a symbolic border between the Catholic and Jewish parts of Tarnów.

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