“Wianki” and the Music Fest
Folklore events
Kraków, Kraków
Tourist region: Kraków i okolice
tel. +48 123542500
Start date and time: Saturday, 22 June 2019 12:00
Notes on the date: Godzina orientacyjna, więcej informacji na stronie organizatora
Notes on the date: Godzina orientacyjna, więcej informacji na stronie organizatora
Organiser: Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe
Wygrana 2, 30-311
Wygrana 2, 30-311
Live performance event on the Vistula River near Wawel Castle, re-enacting the Midsummer Night celebrations and bonfires.
The event, already part of Cracow’s permanent calendar, is simultaneously held in other locations, namely: Main Market Square, Small Market Square, Szczepański Square, Nowy [New] Square and St Mary Magdalen Square. ”Wianki” event is a unique opportunity to welcome the summer while listening to a wide variety of outdoor concerts. The events include a competition for the most beautiful wreath sent down the Vistula River, city picnic city and St John’s Midsummer fair. The day ends with a spectacular fireworks display.