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Plac Nowy Kraków

Nowy Square Kraków

Słoneczny dzień. Przed niskim budynkiem z podcieniami, z oknami z kratami, stoją stoliki i krzesła, na których siedzą ludzie. Po prawej rzędy zadaszonych straganów. Dalej na około wysokie budynki z oknami i bezchmurne niebo.

Plac Nowy, 31-056 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

Even at the end of the 19th century, Nowy Square in Kazimierz, the second after ul. Szeroka centre of trade and social life of the Kazimierz Jews, was a picture of chaotic, mostly wooden buildings.
In 1900, however, the construction of a small market in the middle of the square, which was to organise that area, was completed. Inside, there were several tens of small stalls and butcher shop – Jewish poultry slaughterhouse. In 1927, the Krakow Jewish community rented that area and reconstructed the empty courtyard into a new, larger butcher shop. Now, it is the Mecca for tourists attracted by the climate of the square and cult French bread pizzas sold here.

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