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Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Objawiającej Cudowny Medalik Zakopane Olcza

The Shrine of Our Lady Revealing the Miraculous Medal - Olcza

Budynek kościoła z wielosegmentowym dachem. Segmenty w kształcie stromych dachów góralskich są nierównej wysokości. Dach czarny, dominuje w sylwetce świątyni. Elewacja biała, całość na podmurówce z kamienia. Wokół wszystko zaśnieżone, zapada zmrok.

os. Piszczory 13, 34-502 Zakopane Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182011905
The Shrine of Our Lady Revealing the Miraculous Medal is located next to the modern parish church.
The shrine and parish are in the hands of the Congregation of the Missionary Priests (Vincentians), who have been present in Olcza from shortly before WWI. When the war broke out, (1914), a parish independent from the one in Zakopane was established here. Yet the impressive, modern church had not been built until after the long strife in the 1980s. The festival of the parish and the shrine falls on the first Sunday following the 18th of July – the Feast of Our Lady Revealing the Miraculous Medal.

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