At the source ... Enjoy the journey. Mineral, therapeutic, and spring waters are a treasure emanating from far beneath Małopolska! We suggest where to look for them

Kilka kranów z wodą mineralną w pijalni wody, nad nimi napisy - nazwy wód: Henryk, Józef II, Franciszek, Anna
The taste of Małopolska certainly has much to do with regional and traditional products, but it’s also about a natural treasure offered up freely by the region, flowing straight from the depths of the earth ... We mean water that not only hydrates but also perfectly supplements the body. The properties of natural spring water and extraordinary healing powers of Małopolska mineral waters have long been known and have been scientifically confirmed. If you look for their sources, you will find them in the most beautiful corners of the Beskids, the Gorce Mountains and the Pieniny Mountains. So don't delay, start planning your trip now. We guarantee that you will feel like a fish in the water!

First, a little tit-bit of important information. No other region in Poland can take pride in such rich and life-giving resources. In Małopolska, we can boast of 3 main types of water: mineral, medicinal, and spring.

Potassium strengthens the heart and calcium strengthens the bones

Due to their level of mineral saturation, mineral waters can be high-, medium- and low-mineralised. It means they contain varying levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and other elements that enable the body to function correctly.

If you experience such symptoms as memory problems, persistent headaches, lack of concentration, irritability, constipation, dry skin, and drowsiness, they may indicate a lack of water in your body. It is then worth thinking about paying a bit more attention to hydrating yourself properly. 

How much water should an adult drink? A minimum of 2 litres a day.  However, if one wishes to supplement one’s nutritional intake, one must first determine which type of water to drink.

Remember to pay attention to water composition (which should be specified on the label), as this is the only way to choose a suitable grade of water. For example, water with high potassium strengthens the heart, magnesium supports the nervous system, and calcium helps the bones. It is also critical to choose water from the Małopolska Region, as its origin is a guarantee of its quality.

Healing waters – for drinking, vapour inhalation, and bathing

The healing waters support the treatment of many diseases, and the Małopolska Region holds 30% of all of Poland's mineral and spring water resources. Depending on the type, the waters can be drunk in the usual way, or they can be used for bathing and even inhaled as a steam vapour to clear the sinuses and make breathing easier. These are waters with very high mineralisation.

Zuber, known to all, is unique in the world and is irreplaceable in treating gastric and duodenal ulcers, and it combats hyperacidity. Słotwinka, on the other hand, relieves stress and overexcitability due to its high magnesium content. Jan supports the urinary system. The waters heal, but the treatment must be discussed with your doctor – please always keep that in mind!

Spring and table waters are poorer in minerals, but they are excellent for hydration and they can be used as a dietary supplement for children.

The taste of Małopolska waters – inimitable

The taste of these waters is best experienced in a natural setting. How to do it? The most straightforward way is to embark on a journey along the path of Małopolska spas. The Małopolska Mineral Water Trail as well as numerous bicycle paths were created to make it easier for you to plan such an exciting adventure. They will undoubtedly lead you to the springs ...

The Poprad Valley offers the highest concentration of life-giving springs. In the spas of Krynica Zdrój, Piwniczna Zdrój, Muszyna, and Żegiestów-Zdrój, you can taste the most significant number of types of highly mineralised water – Kryniczanka, Muszynianka, Piwniczanka, Cechini Muszyna, as well as Skarb Życia Muszyna – and medicinal waters, including the most popular Zuber, Słotwinka, and Jan.

In search of water with medium and low mineralisation, it is worth going to the Low Beskids, to Wysowa (Wysowianka), to the Pieniny Mountains (Kinga Pienińska) or the Gorce Mountains to Rabka (Rabka Zdrój). 

Rabka, as well as Wieliczka, is also famous for its brine. They are mainly used in cosmetics or for therapeutic inhalations. In Szczawnica, we can taste the sorrels typical of the area, saturated with free carbon dioxide, and in Kraków Swoszowice (Kraków also has its spa!), sulphurous waters which, despite their unpleasant smell, have healing power!


On the trail of life-giving springs

Do you know that Małopolska has over 20 legally protected mineral and therapeutic water springs? Where can you find them? You’ll invariably come across one when you’re on a hike or on a bicycling trip in Małopolska. 

If we come across a spring with characteristic reddish sediment, it means a chance to drink water of the oxalates type. When, on the other hand, there is a specific smell of hydrogen sulphide and white, violet, greenish or purple sediment, it is sulphurous water. Feel free to treat yourself! Detailed locations of such places can be found HERE.

Małopolska waters - the art of pairing

Mineral waters come in a variety of flavours and are rich in the ingredients and bio-elements that they contain. To help guide connoisseurs on their visits to springs and waters throughout the region, the Małopolska Region has worked together with hydro sommeliers to develop Poland's first mineral water chart. With its help, visitors can learn the art of pairing, i.e., how to match a particular type of water with a dry wine or with various dishes.

Mineral water is also a great addition to vegetable and fruit cocktails. To enjoy a delicious and nutritious drink, all you need to do is combine a given mineral water with your favourite ingredients, herbs and a few ice cubes.

So go with the flow of the adventure. After all, nothing tastes better in summer than water straight from the spring. The feeling of refreshment, combined with stunning views and wild nature, is the perfect recipe for an unforgettable holiday getaway. So, head for the springs of Małopolska!


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