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Punkt Informacji Turystycznej Limanowa

Tourist Information Point Limanowa

Zdjęcie ukazuje Punkt Informacji Turystycznej w Limanowej.

ul. Rynek 25, 34-600 Limanowa Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 183375800
fax. +48 185349345
tel. +48 185415034
The Limanowa region, wrapped in the embrace of Beskid Wyspowy peaks, is like a land out of Avatar. When the secluded mountains, crisscrossed by passes and valleys, are wrapped in an airy veil of fog, they look like lonely islands and islets. Rising above the white feathery clouds, they appear as if floating in the air... Hence their name – the Beskid Wyspowy.

The Beskid Wyspowy draws tourists with its opportunities for year-round recreation and by the sports routes in the Mogielica region, the unusual taste of sorrel in the Mineral Water Pump Room in Szczawa, the view from under the Millennium Cross on Mt Miejska, and the Basilica of Our Lady of Sorrows in Limanowa, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Consolation in Pasierbiec, the Cistercian Abbey in Szczyrzyc, wooden churches in Łososina Górna, Łukowica, Kamionka, Słopnica and Dobra; the park and palace complexes in Laskowa and Kamienica, the ‘Orkanówka’ in Niedźwiedź....

What other attractions are there in the Limanowa region?  The best way to find out is to ask at the District Tourist Information Centre in Limanowa.  It is located on Limanowa’s Market Square in the so-called Buzodrom, a building named after its designer.

The unusual Centre provides comprehensive and up-to-date information not only for tourists but also for the district’s residents, who visit it very willingly and often.  Its staff are a treasure trove of knowledge about local sightseeing, cultural and recreational attractions, and the colourful history of the region. Visitors to Limanowa PIT can access free promotional materials, leaflets, brochures, and plans for the Limanowa district and the Małopolska region.  The Centre also arranges classes and extracurricular activities for schoolchildren, performances by regional bands, samplings of local cuisine, demonstrations of folk handicrafts, meetings with authors of books about the region, and works by local artists in a mini gallery in the remarkable Buzodrom. The Centre is also involved in promoting the Limanowa district.

The Limanowa Tourist Information Centre cooperates with PTTK inarranging joint events and excursions. A guide from the Limanowa Branch of PTTK is available through Centre in the Buzodrom. Moreover, the Centre supports local and regional tourism entities, including by promoting them free of charge.

The Limanowa District Tourist Information Centre operates within the structures of the Limanowa District Office and, since 2011 it has been part of the Małopolska Tourist Information System.

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