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Jarosław Buczek's Shepherd's Hut in Ochotnica Górna

Jarosław Buczek's Shepherd's Hut in Ochotnica Górna

Oscypki, bryndza i redykołki leżące na desce.

Ochotnica Górna Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

In the very heart of the Gorce Mountains, in a village that was governed by Wallachian law as early as the beginning of the 15th century, the shepherding tradition is still going strong thanks to the tireless work of Jarek and Gosia Buczek. And even if the delicious Gorce bryndza, wild garlic, Highlander feta and cranberries are not available here in jars, it is worth coming here just to meet this extraordinary couple. You will not encounter such energy, straightforwardness and openness anywhere else.

The sheep graze in Ochotnica in the valley of the Jamne Stream, where the picturesque landscape creates deep, narrow valleys and great differences in elevation. Particular natural and landscape values are represented by extensive glades, such as the glade on the right slope of the upper part of the valley of the Jamne Stream or the glade on the ridge between the valleys of Jaszcze Creek and Forędówki Creek. There may be more extensive mountain pastures, larger herds or more impressive shepherd's huts in the Carpathians, but it is at Jarek and Gosia's place that you will find all that is best in the mountains. It is worth asking the shepherd and shepherdess about a unique and nowhere else to be found long-ripened cheese made in Gorce – brusek ochotnicki. Cheeses made in the shepherd's hut: korbacz, żentyca, oscypek, and bundz. In the shepherd's hut following dogs are kept: Baca, Dolina, and Bobik. Source: informatoriumkarpackie.pl