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Pałacyk Strzelecki budynek Bractwa Strzeleckiego Tarnów

The Riflemen Brotherhood Building, Tarnów

Na wprost jasny, murowany dwukondygnacyjny budynek, widziany od frontu. Od prawej po dwa okna na piętrach, dalej trzy duże okna na piętrze, na parterze duże szklane drzwi z trójkątnym szczytem, po prawej okno, po lewej duży baner zasłaniający okno. Na górze balkon i podwójne drzwi. Na dachu ozdobne wykończenie. Dalej po jednym oknie na każdym piętrze. Przed drzwiami schody z barierkami. Kolejne fragmenty budynku oddzielają cztery wysokie ponad dach kolumny. Przed pałacem podjazd i dwa wysokie drzewa bez liści i krzew. Na trawniku leży dużo kolorowych liści. Niebo bezchmurne.

ul. Słowackiego 1, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 146888820
tel. +48 146888821
tel. +48 698988302
This neo-gothical building was raised probably according to Francis Lanci's design; it is located over the 8-hectare Riflemen Park in Tarnów.
The earth plot was gifted to the Kurkowe Brotherhood by the Tarnów city in 1866, and in the same year the shooting range building was also given for utility purposes, which shape has survived to this day. The giant hall of the builing, which occupied about a half of the building itself, served as both indoor shooting range and a ballroom. On the east elevation there is a tablet dedicated to Joseph Pędracki, walled in in 1888 thanks to Riflemen Association efforts. Here, at night of October 30th, 1918, there were housed and trained 200 young men from National Scout Ambulance and POW, who at dusk the next day have led disarming of Austrian military and seizing the civil authorities in the city. After the 2nd World War the building was the first residence of later Youth Palace and Tarnowian detachment of ZHP (Polish Scouts Association). Currently this is a headquarters of BWA (Atristic Exhibitions Office) and a city gallery.

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