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Cerkiew świętego Łukasza Jastrzębik

The Filial Greek Catholic Church of St. Luke the Evangelist in Jastrzębik

Drewniana cerkiew, pokryta gontem, widziana od strony trójbocznego prezbiterium, z trzema wieżami z baniastymi hełmami z blachy. Otoczona drewnianym ogrodzeniem. Wokół świątyni trawnik oraz kilka wysokich drzew. Niebo zamglone.

Jastrzębik, 33-370 Muszyna Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 184714130
The Filial Greek Catholic Church of St. Luke the Evangelist in Jastrzębik was built in the first half of the C19th.
It is an example of West Lemko Orthodox church architecture with an elongated tripartite layout, which arose as a result of rebuilding. The walls are log-construction and covered by shingles. The church interior is decorated by figurative-ornamental polychrome from 1861. Among the icons of the almost complete baroque iconostasis is Christ the Good Shepherd from 1775. The church fittings include: a baroque-classical main altar from the first half of the C19th, and two late-baroque side altars from around the middle of the C19th.

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