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Cerkiew świętego Dymitra Czarna

The Greek Catholic church of St. Demetrius in Czarna

Na wprost drewniana cerkiew z zewnątrz. Dach pokryty jasną blachą z trzema wieżyczkami z baniastymi kopułami i krzyżami u góry. Od lewej niskie prezbiterium, za nim wyższa nawa i dalej wysoka kwadratowa wieża z pochyłymi ścianami. Wokół cerkwi niski mur z kamieni. Na wysokości wieży drewniana, zadaszona brama. Z tyłu wysokie choinki, dalej zalesione wzgórze. Niebo bezchmurne.

Czarna, 38-315 Czarna Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 183516776
tel. +48 511209283
The Greek Catholic church of St. Demetrius in Czarna (currently a Roman Catholicchurch of the Virgin Mary of Perpetual Help) was erected in 1764 and reconstructed in thefirst half of the 1800s.

It is a Lemko Orthodox church of the north-western type, oriented, wooden, of log construction. In the first half of the 19th century, the church was transformed, and the chancel, among other things, was considerably lengthened. The walls of the nave, chancel and sloping tower are clad in shingles. A tented roof rises above the nave, with a multi-pitched roof over the chancel. The sterling is boarded with vertical planking. Like the crowning bulbous cupolas with apparent lanterns, the roofs are covered with sheet metal. 

The interior of the church is covered with flat ceilings and spires. It is decorated with polychrome from the first half of the 19th century.

The most valuable elements of the furnishings are the complete Baroque iconostasis from the 18th century and the Baroque altar with the icon of Our Lady and Child. Also worth noting is the portal, decorated with columns, leading from the presbytery to the sacristy.

The church is surrounded by a stone wall. Above the temple in the active cemetery are several ancient stone gravestones. There are several beautiful Greek Catholic churches near Czarna, which are well worth seeing. In particular, the facility in Śnietnica can be visited.

The church is located on the Wooden Architecture Route. 

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