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Podgórski Cemetery in Krakow

Podgórski Cemetery in Krakow

Na wprost porośnięty mchem nagrobek na Cmentarzu Podgórskim w Krakowie, z wykutą w kamieniu twarzą Chrystusa., pod spodem tablica z napisami. Przed nim nagrobek z krzyżem, za nim nagrobek z kamiennym zniczem. Z tyłu inne nagrobki pomiędzy drzewami. Po prawej ściana z cegieł z oknem i drzwiami oraz kamiennym krzyżem u góry, dalej duży grobowiec. Pomiędzy nagrobkami leżą kolorowe liście.

ul. Wapienna 13, 30-544 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 126562523
tel. +48 126561725
The Podgórski Cemetery, located at the foot of the Krakus mound, was built in 1900.
Expanded several times, it has reached its current area (approx. 8 ha). In its territory, apart from graves of civil and military persons, attention should be paid to the monuments erected on the graves of Legionaries of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Brigade, Austrian soldiers or Boy Scouts killed during the occupation. Famous persons rest here, inter alia, E. Dembowski together with the insurgents of 1846, A. Mateczny, W. Bednarski. The necropolis is located on the Cultural Route of Cemeteries of the Council of Europe.

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