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Sanktuarium świętego Józefa Mężnego Opiekuna Rodzin Podgórze Kraków

St Joseph’s church in Podgórze in Krakow

Widok na miasto z góry. Od dołu alejki ze skwerami z trawą prowadzące do wysokiego, trójnawowego kościoła z cegły, z dwiema wieżami i wieżą z sygnaturką na skrzyżowaniu naw. Po lewej zabudowania pomiędzy drzewami, po prawej kilka zabudowań i dużo drzew.

ul. Zamoyskiego 2, 30-523 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 126561756
tel. +48 695757157
The St. Joseph’s Church in Krakow-Podgórze, an outstanding masterpiece of Neo-Gothic sacred architecture in Poland, was built in the years 1905-1909.
Its architect is Jan Sas Zubrzycki, Professor at the Lviv Polytechnic National University. The façade, richly decorated with sculptures, is situated between the steeples, one of which has a helm referring to the steeple of the St. Mary’s Basilica. An interesting fact is that the presbytery is located in place of a former quarry, its cellars have been carved out of the limestone rocks.

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