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Sanktuarium Nawiedzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny i świętego Stanisława Biskupa i Męczennika Tuchów

Sanctuary of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Stanislaus the Bishop and Martyr — Tuchów

Słoneczny dzień. Od lewej ulica i mur okalający jasny, murowany kościół, z kwadratową wieżą po prawej stronie. Za nią jasne budynki tworzące literę U. Z przodu rosną wysokie drzewa, po części zasłaniające budynki. Przed nimi ogrodzenie z otwartą bramą. Z tyłu zabudowania pomiędzy drzewami i widok na wyższe pasma gór.

ul. Wysoka 1, 33-170 Tuchów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 146327200
Overlooking Tuchow are the 17th-century Baroque church and Redemptorist monastery erected in the 19th century. Pilgrims have been coming here since 1597 to see the miraculous image of Our Lady of Tuchów, a Renaissance painting dating back to the 16th century. Today the church is a Basilica Minor, a Marian sanctuary and a place visited by the faithful from all over Poland.

In the Ciężkowice Foothills lies the small town of Tuchów where in the mid-17th century a brick Baroque church was erected on the Biała River. In the 19th century the Benedictines were replaced by the Redemptorists, who have been taking care of the sanctuary and the miraculous image of the Madonna since 1893. The first structure, a wooden church, was built in the 11th century by Benedictine monks from the Abbey of Tyniec and according to the legend was later consecrated by Saint Stanislaus. Between 1665 and 1682 the Benedictine monks also built a new church for pilgrims. Pilgrims have been coming here since 1597 to see the miraculous image of Our Lady of Tuchów, who is also known as Our Lady of Tarnów Land. The Renaissance image was painted in 1530–1540 by an unknown artist in the workshop of the Master of Bodzentyn. The painting, crowned in 1904, is covered by a silver dress. The Great Indulgence is celebrated on the feast of Our Lady on 2–9 July. Other indulgences are held on 31 May on the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and on the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 8 September. Today, the church is a Basilica Minor, a Marian sanctuary and a pilgrimage destination. The church itself is a Baroque single-nave structure surrounded by chapels, and is crowned with a gable roof with a Baroque bell tower. The interior furnishings are mainly Baroque. In 1922–1925 a bell tower was erected, and a 1980 chapel stands in the walled yard. The Higher Theological Seminary of the Warsaw Province of the Redemptorists is located in the monastery, along with the Redemptorist Missionary Museum, with a moveable nativity scene, as well as the Sanctuary Museum associated with the cult of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Ethnographic Museum.

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