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Klucze Commune

Klucze Commune

Podświetlona róża wiatrów na Pustyni Błędowskiej po zachodzie słońca. Obok róży roztacza się widok na pustynię oraz otaczające ją lasy.

Klucze Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

The Commune of Klucze is an attractive cultural and natural area. The landscape of the Commune consists of hills and limestone monadnocks, extensive forests and the Biała Przemsza River Valley. However, the most famous tourist object of the Commune of Klucze is the Błędowska Desert, which is unique in terms of the nature found there.

The Błędowska Desert is Europe's largest inland area of dune sands with geomorphological forms typical of desert landscapes. The panorama of the Błędowska Desert can be admired from vantage points (‘Czubatka’ in Klucze and ‘Dąbrówka’ in Chechło), as well as by car and along a road also adapted for people with disabilities to a complex of pavilions called ‘Róża Wiatrów’, from where one can enter the Desert area directly.

Many areas of strict nature protection cover the Klucze Commune area. Its significant part lies within the Eagle's Nests Landscape Park and Natura 2000 Areas. ‘Karst phenomena’ refer to numerous hills and rocks that are natural monuments (Mt Szczypy, Skały nad Kopalnią, Mt Maśnica, Mt Winnica and Mt Piecki) and several caves, including Błotna, Lodowa, Pod Porzeczką and Na Świniuszce. Enchanting places include the Czerwony Pond and the Zielony Pond (Klucze), the Kwaśniowskie Slopes (Skoki), the source of the Minożka River (Rodaki), and the hills: Czubatka (Klucze) and Dąbrówka (Chechło). On the territory of the Commune there are 10 monuments of nature: beeches and monadnocks (Klucze, Jaroszowiec) and lipa (Rodaki).

The following hiking trails lead through the area of the Klucze Commune: the Trail of Eagle's Nests (ruins of a medieval castle on the Hill of the Holy Cross in Bydlin), the Wooden Architecture Route (the Church of St. Mark in Rodaki with a free-standing bell tower dating from 1601), the Trail of the Eastern Front of the First World War (Graves of Legionnaires in the cemetery in Bydlin and reconstructed trenches from the time of the First World War, reconstructed dens (dugouts) of Legionnaires in Krzywopłoty), Livewort Biking Trail, Velo Przemsza walking and cycling trail.