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Grupa Krynicka GOPR

GOPR – Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue Krynica Group

Lato. Drewniana tablica z mapą, przy niej stoi czworo turystów. Za nimi jeszcze jedna drewniana tablica. Za nią wysoka, rozłożysta choinka. Po prawej kwitną fioletowe kwiaty. Za nimi niżej drzewa iglaste i widok na odległe zalesione wzgórza. U góry niebo z niewielkimi chmurami.
tel. 601 100 300
The Krynica Group of the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue based in Krynica-Zdrój operates in the area of Beskid Sądecki (the Radziejowa range, the Jaworzyna Krynicka range, the Leluchowskie range), the western part of the Low Beskid (the Hańczowskie range, Magura Małastowska, Magura Wątkowska), the Grybowskie Mountains and the border range.

The Krynica Group was established in 1952 as one of the first three groups of the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue. Its personnel belongs to five operational sections operating in Krynica-Zdrój, Gorlice, Nowy Sącz, Stary Sącz and Piwniczna-Zdrój, using state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. The Central Station of the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue Krynica Group is located in Krynica at Halna 18.

The Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue handles all kinds of mountain rescue operations, helping tourists in the mountains, in caves, on rock faces, on mountain rivers, and in any hard-to-reach terrain. It also helps the sick and injured in accidents and conducts search operations for missing persons and assists in disaster response.

Rescuers on duty: +48 18 200 50 30, +48 18 477 74 40, +48 18 471 29 33.

Contact information: +48 18 477 74 44, csr@gopr-krynica.pl.

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